Atlas Club

purpose beyond profit

20th september, 6-10 pm GMT


“Employees who are bought into an organisation's purpose perform 20% better and are 87% less likely to leave their current company"

[Gartner, 2021]

SMEs businesses are focused on driving growth and profitability in an increasingly competitive market. Yet with resignation rates currently sitting at 2.80% per month and productivity dropping by 0.6% last quarter [ONS, 2022], UK mid-sized businesses are struggling to hit growth targets whilst facing unprecedented employee churn.

Despite this, organisations with a clear social purpose are currently beating the market in attracting and retaining talent. With 39% of employees resigning due to viewing an organisation as uncaring or uninspiring [McKinsey, 2022], CEOs must have a clear strategy to build and communicate their social purpose both within and outside their organisation.

Showing your organisation cares about more than your bottom line will be a key driver in attracting, retaining and motivating your employees. But how can you build a social purpose without driving costs skywards? And how can you identify the low hanging fruit?

About The Club

1823 Group provides comprehensive business telecommunications services to organisations of all shapes and sizes. As well as enabling professionals with unified, tailor-made solutions 1823 Group offers a unique profit-sharing business model. Clients have access to competitive prices and can seamlessly give back to communities or charities of their choice.

Our Partner

1823 Group provides comprehensive business telecommunications services to organisations of all shapes and sizes. As well as enabling professionals with unified, tailor-made solutions. 1823 Group offers a unique profit-sharing business model which allows giving back to the community and charities.

Atlas Club

With the aim of mixing business and pleasure. we believe in providing an exclusive environment for leaders of the middle market to network and exchange insights.